Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This time, with feeling

I brought my gym clothes back into the office, since this is my last month here, and I get a free gym to work out in (actually, my new job also has one, but not as nice), I'm gonna try to go every day, since I don't really feel any 'pressure' to complete tasks. Sure, I still have a work ethic, and I'm not gold bricking, it's just that work is finally calmed down a bit, and it's great.

Today, I got a ceasar wrap and left off the usual side of chips. (the tortilla has enough carbs). My goal this month is all about cardio, and starting on tone. So I'm shooting for low-weight but lotsa reps, and then I'll end the session with some jogging. I think I'm at a '20 minute mile" which is sorta pathetic, (mainly cuz I don't think I could even do a mile right now), A decent marathoner does 8 minute miles, and world records are at just under 4. So perhaps 9 is a good goal for a single mile. (granted, real runners can keep this up for miles on end)
Actually, maybe a simpler target first... just complete a dang mile, THEN work on getting the time down.
In fact, what I aughta do is blog my progress to keep track, and maybe inspire some other slob to get in shape.

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