Thursday, April 14, 2011

IE9 - did they just stop trying?

IE9 was supposed to embrace html5/css3 and so on. I fired it up and pointed it my new website, thinking maybe it'll 'just work' (much like how FF and chrome 'just work').

The result was a train wreck. I don't think any XMLHttpRequest fired, the CSS was pretty much ignored. I found a setting to switch it out of 'quirks mode' (Why default to this?) but the result was still pretty bad.

Maybe if MS would stop concentrating on  "hundreds of fish" demos and get CSS working right, they'd have something.

Generally, WebKit and Firefox both just seem to work. The main inconsistencies are a few javascript quirks, but at least they can render bog standard tables, which apparently IE9 can't.

If IE9 (or IE10) end up 'mostly working' like the other two do, I'll consider supporting it, but it's in such a bad state that its currently not worth my time to support any IE browser.